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Timothy Stuen Ministries
Resources - Now Available through Itunes, Google Play or CD 

4 part CD Set - $20.00 + shipping

Discover answers to these questions and more in the insightful series:

  • Can a believer forfeit their salvation?
  • Are God's promises limited to certain people?
  • Is God pleased with religious protocol in response to sin?
  • Are some people predestined for Heaven and others from Hell?

Furthermore, learn how to dwell in that divine residence that affords each believer the opportunity for victory in every area of life. Understand why protection, provision, power and peace are all within the grasp of any that have chosen to stay near to Christ and abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.

This series available for purchase through Itunes & Google Play

Now Available On Itunes & Google Play 
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Timothy Stuen Ministries
PO Box 3753
Rapid City, SD  57709

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